Monday, January 28, 2008


Some mornings I find myself not looking forward to my shower because I have to stop drinking coffee and my cup is cold when I get out of the shower. I know I could probably use some sort of commuter mug in the shower if I wanted, but there's always the danger of getting water in my cup, or worse yet soap or shampoo. I can't take the chance of soapy coffee.

Some of you may be concerned and leave a comment that this may be indicative of an addiction. I appreciate the concern, and would like to point out with that kind of quick-witted amateur psychological diagnosis I am sure Dr. Phil is shaking in his cowboy boots. The bigger indicator to me is that I get a headache in the morning if I don't drink it.

I don't mind that, because coffee makes me happy. There are times when I have a feeling of well-being and peace that comes from coffee,at times, it almost feels like a religious experience.

Henry's Blend from Seattle's Best is my favorite. I do not like Starbucks. Except for their Breakfast Blend, they do not know how to make any kind of mild blend. There are times that all of their coffee tastes like a burnt expresso blend. On the other hand, I do like to hang out in their stores, sit on the leather couches and eat bagels and hang out with friends.

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