Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Frank's Bad Day Part V

The creature spoke slowly since the boat oar was crushing its neck, "Charon...just a... misunderstanding. Trying to help...it thought I was stealing...attacked me first...". "You know, if you were a better liar, you might get a better duty assignment than harrassing the new arrivals. Frank, pick up your coin and wait at the bus stop. As for you, this is your last chance. If you interfere with me picking up my fares again, I will throw you in the river and that will be the end of you for good, are we clear?" The busdriver punctuated the question by twisting the oar to cause the maximum amount of discomfort and then suddenly releasing his grip. The creature rubbed his neck, made a hissing noise and then bolted to the storm sewer grate.                    
Frank walked back to the bus stop and waited for the driver. The bus driver was about five foot, eight inches tall. He was slightly overweight, but it was obvious that there was some hard muscle under the soft coating of fat. He wore a brown uniform with a light zip khaki jacket. He walked briskly, with a hint of a swagger. He had a face that though it appeared a little stern, it gave you the impression that he was a friendly soul. He carried himself with the bearing of a gentleman, kind to women and children, straight dealing with men of his own caliber, but no patience for fools or mean-hearted people. Frank did not know why, but he instinctively liked him immediately.

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