Sunday, September 26, 2010

Answering some emails...

I seem to keep getting the same spam emails over and over, I've decided I will answer them to see if maybe that will stop them from sending them to me. My spam filter isn't doing that great of a job anyway, so I can't see it will make that much difference.

"Dear Amparo,

I actually don't need to add peculiarity to my style. Do you have anything to add normalcy to my style? That I would be interested in!

Warm Regards,

John Homan"
"Dear Luxury R0LEX Sports Models,

I don't know if anyone told you, but 'Regular Joe's' don't buy their watches from schmucks spelling Rolex with a zero in place of the letter o. Just a little marketing tip you may find helpful.

Warm Regards,

J0hn H0man"
"Dear Geraldine,

So, what you are telling me is that looks, education, social connections and money, don't matter, but all I need is a decent watch? Thanks for the tip. I had found society's rules so confusing up til this point in my life. Today, I will gain my place in high society with my new R0LEX from Geraldine Marquez, today is the day it all changes!!!

Gratefully yours,

John Homan

P.S. I'm not really grateful."
"Dear Luxury R0LEX Datejusts,

I don't think I really can make that sort of committment to a watch. All I wanted was something shiny that told time and possibly upgraded my social status. I really don't need another best friend. Can we just be aquantainces for now and see how things work out?

Warm Regards,

John Homan"
"Dear Alvin,

So my financial abilities are so limited that I can only afford a R0LEX that turns my wrist green? A little hint for future offers, insulting your possible customers by saying they only are worthy of cheap knock-offs is no way to engender loyalty.

I'm just saying...

Lukewarm Regards,

John Homan"
