Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Frank's Bad Day Part XVII

Mr. M. pulled a small remote control from his jacket and pressed a button that dimmed the lights and revealed a screen in the wall facing the foot of the bed.
M spoke, “Please stop me if something is not accurate…that’s rarely the case with these files, but I still hate to assume.”
Frank nodded, “Go ahead.”

The screen lit up and on it appeared list of facts about Frank-they began to scroll slowly up.

Name: Frank Luis Hernandez Sanchez
Age: 32
DOB: February 23, 1980, 18:00 hrs
DOD: April 3, 2012, 14:30 hrs
City of Birth: Chicago, IL
Nationality: Puerto-Rican/Latino
Primary City of Residence: Chicago, IL
Education: B.A. English Lit., University of Illinois, Rockford, IL
High School Diploma, St. Francis High School, Chicago, IL
Completed Elementary and Middle School, Our Lady of Mercy School, Chicago,IL

Marital Status: Single
No history of an intimate relationships lasting more than 4 months. Frank continues to date different women several times a week, but rarely has more than 3 dates with the same woman.

Mother and father divorced when Frank was 6 years old. Father was in and out of Frank's life on an irregular basis. Frank has no brothers or sisters. Frank has a grandmother, two aunts, uncles and 6 cousins in Puerto Rico, and an uncle and aunt in the UK. Frank's mother was very lonely living in the USA, but could not afford to move back to Puerto Rico. She wanted Frank to finish school in the U.S. before she would return to the island to be with her family. During Frank's time in school, his mother dated many men, but never remarried. Once Frank would begin to like one of his many "uncles", they would disappear, and be replaced by another the next month. After Frank's father left, his mother continued to try to find love and a new father for Frank, but in the end she would always find herself unable to commit, because she was afraid that another man may hurt her again. Frank took a job at a company in Chicago after finishing college. He did not really intend to move to Puerto Rico, but told his mom he would do it once he made some money so they could get a house. Frank's mother moved back to Puerto Rico without him. Six months later, she remarried a childhood sweetheart, and while Frank did not have anything against his new stepfather, he felt less and less comfortable moving there. This remains a sore point between Frank and his mother; she does not feel like forcing the issue any further.

Work History:
During high school and college Frank had different jobs to make extra money. Frank worked at several fast food restaurants and at a movie theater  He received raises and positive evaluations. Frank excelled at dealing with customers and supervisors, but his coworkers found him somewhat cold and distant.

During Frank's junior year of college he came to work the night shift at Apex Telecommunications as an outbound bilingual telephone sales agent. Franks sales levels were superior to others in his department. He soon was able to move up to the
Investment Counselor Division of Apex. In this position Frank was responsible for inbound and outbound sales calls to potential and current investors. Frank stayed in the top 5% of performers. Frank developed a reputation for being able to handle problem customers better than anyone in the department. He received commendations and bonuses on a regular basis. His relationships with co-workers remained cold and impersonal. Frank did not develop any lasting personal relationships with any of the people he worked with. This is where Frank worked until his demise this year.

The words scrolled at just right speed on the screen and seemed to stop when Frank had problems reading. The screen faded to black.  M turned to Frank and said in an unemotional tone, “Do you feel this report accurately represents the facts about your life?”

Frank looked down for about a minute. It felt so odd to see such a succinct summary of all he had done and lived. He would have liked to explain things, add some details, but every thought he put together sounded like a lame excuse. Just from a quick gut check Frank knew it was all true.

“It’s all correct Mr. M…you can proceed.”
“Fine then. Uhh…Well. Not to be too much of touchy feely sort, but I think I felt very similar when I saw my file-almost violated. I actually argued! In those days, it was angels that interviewed you. Imagine that! Arguing with some 12 foot tall gleaming white muscular creature with a Claymore sword as big as you. I guess I thought I was dead already, what more could they do? Anyway, my point is this, you just read possibly the most cold and heartless explanation of your life and accepted it. Bravo Sir…Bravo. There are souls who have been in purgatory for 200 years who are still unable to face who they really were. Not to put too fine of a point on it, but you are a cut above many people in this realm. “
“Thanks…I still feel like crap though.”
“Nothing for it my lad. We’ll press on. Next we have a summary of your life and our plan for you at SMI and the plan of the heavenly host to redeem you from this place, if you succeed. Then we will see the decision of the Heavenly Host to our plan for your redemption.“

The screen came back to life and began to scroll slowly again.

Summary: While Mr. Hernandez values human relationships and has demonstrated an superb ability to motivate, encourage and influence people in a business setting, he is limited in empathy with other`s needs and a lack of demonstrated compassion. This is directly a result of the modeling by his mother. Simply put, he has never been able to achieve a level of intimacy where he can share his heart freely with other people, or ultimately with God.

Course of Action:
SMI proposes a twofold approach in dealing with both Mr. Hernandezs unique challenges and his special skill sets available for our use. The first phase is a preparation for his ultimate assignment, as well as a valid and necessary task to the Kingdom of Heaven. He will spend time learning to understand people on earth and providing them with empathy and compassion, but not any answers or advice; he will become that resource that is so rare on earth-a listening ear. The second phase of his work here, and hopefully the task leading to his redemption, or graduation to the heavenly realm, is that he will succeed as a fully qualified agent of grace and divine compassion in different arenas of earthly life through use of the SAIP (Spiritual Atmospheric Insertion Program) for as much time as is deemed necessary by the heavenly hosts.

Conclusion and Certification:
I have reviewed this document under the wisdom and guidance
Of the Most High. This course of action is authorized by the Heavenly Host:

Purgatory Division Supervisor - Angel Antonius the Fourth.

Glory to His Holy Name.


The screen went black and M turned to Frank…

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