Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Coming Closer...

There it is.

Over the horizon, just out of view, but edging closer every day. I can feel it just out of sight, waiting for me. I walk down the streets and I can feel its prescence out there in the shadows. If I spin around when I'm walking I might see a flash as it disappears down an alley. Sometimes I think I hear footsteps, and I stop and then I don't. I know I tend toward a little paranoia, but this is real.

We have to meet someday, but I thought it would be so much later. I've seen other people go through this, but I never thought it would happen to me. I've tried to ignore it, avoid it, but it's no use. There is nowhere I can run, nowhere I can hide. It will finally hunt me down and stare me straight in the face. I'll look away and it will finally grab my face and force me to stare at its horrible visage.

My fortieth birthday will be here on the 31st...

I'm still trying to figure out what to do about it.

If you want to help, click on the Amazon Wishlist over on the sidebar, because no matter how old I get, I still become an 8 year old gift mercenary between Christmas and January 31st. I'm ok with that. I'll say that my mother spoiled me, because I was the baby, but I'm getting a little too old to blame things on my Mom any more.


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