Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Why the Printer Won't Work

I hate to admit to liking cute things. I hate Smurfs, my Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Hello Kitty, Bratz, Power-Puff Girls (ok, just a little-in an ironic way), and I hate most big-eyed anime cartoons with plucky teenagers that save the day.

The point is, if you think its cute and darling, I probably don't like it on some misguided principle I have yet to be able to face, but don't really think I need to face.

I do however, admit to liking cats, and videos of cats. I like this one alot. It has just enough of an un-cute ending to make me grin.

1 comment:

Kiri said...

Imagine 3 cats doing that every single time you print a page... and you'll know what it's like at my house. Ha.