Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why I Was Late Today

Dear Human Resources,

I wish to claim my lateness this morning to be covered under FMLA, due
to time spent caring for a sick member of my family.

As you can see from the attached photo, my cat Lucy, was afflicted by
a horrific case of extreme cuteness. The only remedy for this malady
is extended skritching of the ears and making various “Awww” noises
until it passes or until the cat becomes bored and goes and finds a
jingleball to bat around the floor.

Luckily this attack passed fairly quickly today and I was able to get to work
with a minimum of work loss, it was also raining, and there was a rabid
warthog at the corner of Simpson and Middlebury that was slowing the
movement of traffic.

I will stay late to make up for this.


John Homan

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