Monday, May 31, 2004

Preparation continues for the trip..

We continue to prepare for our trip to Mexico, and today we did some of the more enjoyable preparation: shopping! Since this is my third time, and Laura's second time, we are fairly clear on the sort of things to bring.

There is a lot of down time, traveling in vans across Mexico, and spending times at customs, and on airplanes and layovers, so you need to have some reading materials. Some people say, "well, just read your bible..." Ok, that works for awhile, but somewhere along the line you need a break. My first trip I read a trashy X-files novel about Quetzlcoatl(Winged Dragon God of the Aztecs). The next trip I read "Call of the Wild" and "Voyage of the Dawn Treader". This time I picked "Watership Down" and "Wind in the Willows" . Will let you know how they turn out.

Next Mexico Entry: What is the Message for Mexico?

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