Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Safety and Security in Costa Rica

A sense of security is very subjective. Asking about how safe a place is like asking how the economy is doing: the answer is extremely biased and based on perception more than fact.

I flew into the country in Liberia and had no problems. I was also picked up by someone from the school and did not have to deal with a private taxi or bus.

My classmates from Montreal flew into San Jose and they weren´t so lucky. One lady had someone rip her gold chain from her neck and then had a taxi driver drive them double the distance for a small ride.

Happily, they have had no problems since they arrived in Nicoya. They have rode the bus to the beach many times and they go out to parties and have no problems with security. I walk around here at night with no problems, and have not had any problems with crime.

That said, I´m tall and very large and am not an easy target. But there are deperate people with knives and guns in Costa Rica, just like anywhere in the world, so I would give them my money without hesitation.

I still use common sense. I don´t walk around after 9 pm. I stick to main streets and always keep an eye on my surroundings. I cross the street if I am nervous about someone. I only carry about ten to twenty dollars on me at a time and carry a copy of my passport. Everything else I keeped locked up at home.

I feel safer here than I felt in Mexico. Especially in Nicoya, because there are not a lot of tourists here, so it has not drawn an element looking to take advantage of people. The locals are very proud of how safe Nicoya is, but all of there houses have pretty pastel colored steel bars on the front of the house with big locks on both sides.

They are proud of how safe their town is, but they aren´t stupid. I think that´s the key.


Next Costa Rican Entry: El Día de la Patrona

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