Monday, July 17, 2006


Campo literally means country, or a non-urban environment. In Costa Rica it is used the same way we use the word rustic, redneck, or country, as in ¨He´s always wearing a cowboy hat and boots like he´s all country, but he really lives in the suburbs.¨

I spent about 3 or 4 hours talking to my new friend Alex yesterday. It was great. I told him about my experiences here so far. He agreed with me that Ticos are very reserved. He also said that Ticos are like people from great Britain in that they like to be introduced to another person before becoming friends.

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(John and Alex)

Alex has been working in San Jose, and has been to the university. He reminded me that Nicoya is a fairly small town. They aren´t used to gringos, and some actually aren´t interested in meeting anyone new.

It encouraged me. I remembered in towns in Mexico, such as Tampico people were very easy to talk to, but up in the mountains, or out in the campo, people were very reticent to talk to you, even if you spoke to them in Spanish.

On the MP3 Player:¨Now That We Found Love.¨ by Heavy D and the Boyz


Next Costa Rican Entry:First Day of School

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