Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Eternal Stuggle Between Good and Evil.

I hate cockroaches. I don´t know what it is, but they represent everything bad in the world. Like they are the Satan´s personal hordes, sent to piss me off. I went to get into bed and a two inch one came out of nowhere and started making laps around my bed. He finally jumped on the floor and I distributed three hundred pounds of ugly to him in a personally negative way.

I thought we had some sort of understanding. I would not look for them, and they would not show themselves to me. I thought it was a good plan, but the little terrorists keep showing up to get on my last nerve.

Really, this is only the third one I have seen since I have been here. My house is very clean, and this not that big of a deal. I just really don´t like them. But I have an ally that keeps them at bay: the gecko. Geckos live in most houses, and you see them in gardens and on the street. They are cute green lizards that make these cheerful chirping noises, like some happy little bird. They eat the roaches. They are my heroes, and they never try to sell me insurance if I tell them I´m not interested. I appreciate that.


Next Costa Rican Entry: Sunday Morning

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