Saturday, July 15, 2006


(Barrio Carmen near my house in the morning)

Well, I made it to Costa Rica safe and sound. The skies were clear and sunny most of the day and I saw some breathtaking views of both the Pacific and the Caribbean on my approach to Liberia.

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(My host home)

I settled in at my host home with my new mamacita tica,(Costa Rican Mom). Her name is Doña Herminina. She is about four-foot-nine and has a smile that takes up her whole face. She lives in a cute little white house that has a patio that is open on several sides to the outside in order to get some air.

(My Host Mother)

I have my own spacious room with my own bathroom and shower and a fan. It was not five minutes unpacking my luggage and I had to start using my University of Chicago Spanish to English kill a two-inch long spider. That was the only thing that freaked me out a little. I don´t like big spiders. I didn´t scream like a girl or anything though, I was completely macho about it.

What has struck me so far about Costa Rica is a completely different atmosphere than Mexico. Yeah, there are still Machos and Chicas wearing jeans two times smaller than they should be, but there is a difference here.


In Mexico, I went through military checkpoints, had the army pull us over and search our bags. Here, there is only the civilian police. Maybe its just me, but people are much more relaxed and seem more at ease than Mexico.

Hey, that´s all for today.


Next Costa Rican Entry: Sunday Morning

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